Walking out...and vanishing.

Walking out…and vanishing.

Have you ever experienced meeting someone who would be in your life a short time, and then just sort of fades away?  Your friends either don’t remember this person, or if they do, it’s in a vague way?

These people, in my life anyway, are the ones that can’t be found, yet were with me at very important moments and might have even been a catalyst for change.  I wonder about them.  Were they angels?  Were they demons?  Were they both?  Were they spirit who borrowed someone’s body for a short time?

I met one of mine on a New Years Eve many many years ago.  Many!  I was set to meet a friend at Saint Marks Bar & Grill in NYC.  It was the setting for the Rolling Stones “Waiting For A Friend”, which was quite ironic since I got stood up!  However, another person came into the bar who was also looking for my friend.  So in the end, she stood us both up, and we ended up having an amazing night, going from club to club and basically laughing through dawn!

We remained friends for a short time afterward.  On my birthday 8 months later, however, she spotted Steve Stevens walking down MacDougal Street as we were headed for the Scrap Bar.  I told her I didn’t want to follow Mr. Stevens, I wanted to see my friends.  She smacked me across the face and ran away….never to be seen again!

There have been many others.  Some appear for a few minutes, offer advice or make me laugh, and then are simply gone.

Do you have any experiences like these?  Am I the only one?